Re: Call for Proposals re: #314 HTTP2 and http:// URIs on the "open" internet


On 11/20/13 4:57 AM, Roberto Peon wrote:
> How about:
> HTTPS schemed URLs MUST be sent on an authenticated TLS channel.
> HTTP schemed URLs MAY be sent as unencrypted HTTP2 plaintext, or may
> be sent over a TLS channel.

s/TLS channel/via TLS atop the same port/

> If a server does not wish to handle HTTP schemed URLs over a TLS
> channel, it MUST reject these requests with a RST_STREAM or GOAWAY
> with an error code that indicates that the server does not support
> HTTP schemed URLs on port 443.
> -=R
I'm a little concerned about backward compatibility with this approach. 
There do exist many web sites that offer different content today on the
two ports.  Are you suggesting that they would become non-compliant?


Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 06:07:32 UTC