HTTP Origin and Hop Hints and Prefer Header


The most recent draft looks good. One thing that struck me is that
there seems to be a good alignment between this and the Prefer header.
Currently, there is no way for a client to know whether or not a
server supports Prefer. Hints would be a great way to provide that

For instance...


   o  Hint Name: pa
   o  Hint Type: origin
   o  Description: When true, indicates that the origin supports
Prefer: respond-async
   o  Value Type: boolean
   o  Contact:

Minimal Responses

   o  Hint Name: pr
   o  Hint Type: origin
   o  Description: When true, indicates that the origin supports
Prefer: return-minimal and return=representation
   o  Value Type: boolean
   o  Contact:

Strict and Lenient Handling

   o  Hint Name: ph
   o  Hint Type: origin
   o  Description: When true, indicates that the origin supports
Prefer: handling=strict and handling=lenient
   o  Value Type: boolean
   o  Contact:

- James

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 17:00:33 UTC