Re: #96 Conditional GET text

On Jan 25, 2013, at 4:49 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

> Hi there,
> in the meantime Roy has addressed the main part of the issue, clarifying that conditional request header fields apply to many methods other than GET.
> I still think it would be good to say more about the default case, though.
> Right now, the spec says:
> "The new method ought to describe whether it can be made conditional (Section 5.2) and, if so, how a server responds when the condition is false." -- <>
> This invites more special cases. Can't we simply state that *all* new methods can be made conditional, and describe the default behavior for the conditions?

I tried to do that, as much as possible, in section 5 of p4
(Evaluation and Precedence)

If that is sufficient, I am fine with removing the bit above in
considerations for new methods.


Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 14:26:24 UTC