RE: delta encoding and state management

I agree that finding optimized binary encodings for headers will help us reducing the size of the data transmitted.

At the same time, stateful information is also very useful when transmitting a set of successive messages. It allows encoding a header as a reference to another header present in a previous message.

In my experiments, I tried to devise a binary encoding for the Accept header. However, I found that I was not able to reach the compression ratio obtained by using references to previous messages. Currently, in a set of requests to get a full web page, the Accept header will take 4 or 5 different values. This allows for the stateful compression to be very efficient.

The drawback of stateful compression is that this state must be stored. I understand that this can be a critical problem for intermediaries. I think that we should work for minimizing the amount of state an intermediary has to store for each connection. I was also wondering if anyone had some rough figure of what would be acceptable by an intermediary.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: James M Snell []
> Sent: vendredi 18 janvier 2013 00:32
> To: Nico Williams
> Cc: Roberto Peon;
> Subject: Re: delta encoding and state management
> Agreed on all points. At this point I'm turning my attention towards
> identifying all of the specific headers we can safely and successfully provide
> optimized binary encodings for. The rest will be left as is. The existing bohe
> draft defines an encoding structure for the list of headers themselves, I will
> likely drop that and focus solely on the representation of the header values
> for now. My goal is to have an updated draft done in time for the upcoming
> interim meeting.
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Nico Williams <>
> wrote:
>  On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:44 PM, James M Snell <>
> wrote:
>  > We certainly cannot come up with optimized binary encodings for
> everything
>  > but we can get a good ways down the road optimizing the parts we
> do know
>  > about. We've already seen, for instance, that date headers can be
> optimized
>  > significantly; and the separation of individual cookie crumbs allows
> us to
>  > keep from having to resend the entire cookie whenever just one
> small part
>  > changes. I'm certain there are other optimizations we can make
> without
>  > feeling like we have to find encodings for everything.
>  The only way cookie compression can work is by having connection
>  state.  But often the whole point of cookies is to not store state on
>  the server but on the client.
>  The more state we associate with connections the more pressure
> there
>  will be to close connections sooner and then we'll have to establish
>  new connections, build new compression state, and then have it torn
>  down again.  Fast TCP can help w.r.t. reconnect overhead, but that's
>  about it.
>  We need to do more than measure compression ratios.  We need to
>  measure state size and performance impact on fully-loaded
> middleboxes.
>   We need to measure the full impact of compression on the user
>  experience.  A fabulous compression ratio might nonetheless spell
> doom
>  for the user experience and thence the protocol.  If we take the
> wrong
>  measures we risk failure for the new protocol, and we may not try
>  again for a long time.
>  Also, with respect to some of those items we cannot encode
> minimally
>  (cookies, URIs, ...): their size is really in the hands of the
>  entities that create them -- let *them* worry about compression.
> That
>  might cause some pressure to create shorter, less-meaningful URIs,
>  but... we're already there anyways.
>  Nico
>  --

Received on Friday, 18 January 2013 13:50:36 UTC