Re: FYI: Tools to evaluate header compression algorithms

there's something I don't get, I would like to try other compression algorithms, but those are written in plain old C or assembly, is in Python... how I am supposed to hook something in there?

Adding New Compression Algorithms

If you wish to implement a new codec, there are two easy approaches.

1) Develop it in Python. New modules should be subdirectories of 'compressor', and should inherit from BaseProcessor there.

2) Develop it in another language, and use the 'fork' module to execute it in a separate process. See '' for an example of this; it can be run like this:

./ -c fork="" file.har

----- Mail original -----
De: "Mark Nottingham" <>
À: " Group" <>
Envoyé: Lundi 31 Décembre 2012 03:22:33
Objet: FYI: Tools to evaluate header compression algorithms

As part of his implementation, Roberto created a test harness for comparing headers. With his help, I've forked that and refactored a bit --

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 22:26:16 UTC