Re: p6: Vary and effects on future requests

On a related note, the text in p6 4.3 doesn't explicitly account for the case when there are stored responses both with and without Vary that might match.

I think this can be addressed by changing:

"If multiple selected responses are available..."


"If multiple selected responses (potentially including responses without a Vary header) are available..."

On 29/04/2013, at 3:13 PM, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:

> p6 4.3 says:
> """A Vary header field value of "*" always fails to match, and subsequent requests to that resource can only be properly interpreted by the origin server."""
> Someone reading this could take away that *any* stored response with a Vary: * has an effect on ALL other stored responses that share that primary key (and a couple of the issues we discussed reflected this confusion, from memory).
> As I recall, the goal for 4.3 Using Negotiated Responses was to assure that stored responses were independent and self-describing; i.e., that a cache didn't have to rationalise the value of the Vary header among multiple stored responses.
> So, I'd suggest changing this to just:
> "A Vary header field value of "*" always fails to match."
> Make sense?
> --
> Mark Nottingham

Mark Nottingham

Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 12:39:28 UTC