Re: Header Serialization Discussion

------ Original Message ------
From: "James M Snell" <>
>On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:28 AM, RUELLAN Herve
><> wrote:
>>>    - The true utility of the common prefix length mechanism is 
>>>  Aside from the potential security risks, I questioning just how 
>>>effective it's
>>>  going to be in practice. (What header fields do we expect to 
>>>actually use it in
>>>  practice?)
>>  Common prefixes are very efficient for URLs: the paths often share 
>>some common part at their beginnings. They are also useful for other 
>>type of data such a date and integers, but these could be optimized 
>>using typed codecs.
>I generally prefer the typed codecs for dates and integers. I'm
>struggling to see what, beyond URLs, the prefixes will be useful for,
>really. I mean, I get the theory, I understand their use, but I'm just
>not convinced how often it will be practical outside of the request

Referer as well



Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 23:44:34 UTC