- From: Steve Battle <steve.battle@sysemia.co.uk>
- Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 16:11:27 +0100
- To: <ietf-http-wg@w3.org>
- Cc: <public-ldp-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <002e01cdac79$affe20a0$0ffa61e0$@sysemia.co.uk>
Apologies up front for cross-posting, but I'm seeking clarification on the issue of 'What is the document base URI of a POSTed document?' The Linked Data Platform http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp working group has a use case to be able to create an resource within a container, whereboth the container and subordinate resource can be described by RDF. <http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Use_Cases_And_Requirements#UC-BPC2:_Create_ resource_within_a_container>. The intention is to be able to HTTP POST an RDF representation to a container URI. The working scenario is very similar to the use of POST as defined in 'The Atom Publishing Protocol' (RFC 5023). The use-case is to create a new subordinate resource within a container resource identified by the Request-URI (consistent with RFC 2616). POST http://example.com/contacts/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: text/turtle Slug: my contact @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . <> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ; foaf:primaryTopic <#me> . <#me> a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Henry" . The server answers with: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: http://example.com/contacts/my-contact ETag: W/"1234567890" In Turtle URIs in angle brackets may be relative URIs (relative to the base), so '<>' is the base URI of the document. This allows the RDF to be 'self-describing', allowing us to state that this document is a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument. In order to correctly parse and interpret this document we assume that the document base is the URI of the resource created by the POST, i.e. the URI returned in the 'Location' header. A subsequent HTTP GET on this location returns a description of the created resource. The example illustrates that this is not necessarily syntactically equivalent to the original POSTed document; it includes additional relationships that link it to the container it was added to. GET http://example.com/contacts/my-contact HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Accept: text/turtle HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/turtle ETag: W/"123456789" @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix : <http://example.com/contacts/> . <> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ; foaf:primaryTopic <#me> . <#me> a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Henry" . : rdfs:member :my-contact . RFC 3986: 'Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)' section 5.1 defines how the current (in-scope) base URI is established. 1. Base URI Embedded in Content (e.g. in Turtle, the in-scope base URI may be set with the @base directive). 2. Base URI of the encapsulating entity "the base URI is defined by the representation's retrieval context" 3. URI used to retrieve the entity "if a URI was used to retrieve the representation, that URI shall be considered the base URI" 4. Default Base URI RFC 3986 is written more from the perspective of HTTP GET, so for HTTP POST we have to read between the lines. Returning to the issue, we would like to know if it is OK to assume in the context of an HTTP POST and the above scenario that: 1. If there is no embedded @base and.. 2. there is no retrieval context for POST and.. 3. no URI was used to retrieve the representation, then.. 4. the default base URI can be set by the application to be the URI of the created resource. It might also be helpful if 2616 could provide clarification on these issues. Thanks for your considered opinions, Steve. -- Steve Battle Semantic Engineer Mobile: +44 (0)7503 624 613 E-mail: <mailto:steve.battle@sysemia.co.uk> steve.battle@sysemia.co.uk Web: <http://www.sysemia.com/> www.sysemia.com Sysemia Limited The Innovation Centre, Bristol & Bath Science Park, Dirac Crescent, Emerson's Green, Bristol BS16 7FR Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 7555456 DISCLAIMER Information contained in this e-mail is intended for the use of the addressee only, and is confidential and may also be privileged. If you receive this message in error, please advise us immediately. If you are not the intended recipient(s), please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Attachments to this e-mail may contain software viruses which may damage your systems. Sysemia Ltd have taken reasonable steps to minimise this risk, but we advise that any attachments are virus checked before they are opened.
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