Re: HTTP 1.1 --> 2.0 Upgrade

Hi Greg,

On Mon, Oct 01, 2012 at 09:49:42AM -0700, Greg Wilkins wrote:
> Patrick,
> this is a good analysis, but my main quibble is that case 3b should be
> renumbered to be case 0
> Connecting to port 80 and upgrading to the protocol/version that you
> want to use should be the basically defined way that a http semantic
> connection is established, regardless of wire protocol and version
> used.  All other mechanisms (NPN on 443, DNS SRV, cached redirection
> to known HTTP/2.0 ports) should all be considered as optimisations of
> the basic case.
> Saving round trips is important and I'm all for optimisations for that
> - but I think it is a MUST that HTTP/2.0 will work in an environment
> where there is only port 80 and the ability to make a single
> connection.
> So I guess that means I support both  3a and 3b.
> cheers
> PS.  Does upgrade really mean an extra round trip?  Can't we pipeline
> HTTP/2.0 request behind the upgrade request if we are confident of
> success?

There are possibilities for this that we discussed in the network-friendly
draft, basically pass a few URIs in a dedicated header field that the server
is free to consider or not.


Received on Monday, 1 October 2012 17:03:50 UTC