On 8/15/12 7:19 PM, William Chan (陈智昌) wrote:
> Can you elaborate how SRV would work here from a client perspective?
> Do you propose making the client block on the SRV lookup? Or are you
> proposing doing this out of band and switching to HTTP/2.0 if we
> discover support?
Block is the wrong word. You're already doing A-Record queries. Adding
another record in the question only adds latency if you must serially
query. Also, I myself am not convinced that SRV records are sufficient
to the task. For instance, what happens if there is a port # in the
URL? How do you identify the version #?
Paul Hoffman did some work on a draft that sort-of looked at this
problem. I'm going to guess that he stopped short because of potential
downgrade attacks.