Re: HTTP 2.0/flag day

On 2012-03-26 11:13, Ted Hardie wrote:
> I'm seeing a bunch of messages that seem to be based on the assumption
> that after the creation of an HTTP 2.0 that all HTTP 1.x would
> disappear in the transition to HTTP 2.0.  I am not anticipating a flag
> day here, and I would guess that HTTP 1.1 would still be around for
> any use cases that do not need features of any 2.0 proposal.  Does
> that make sense to others, or do we have a design constraint that all
> use cases currently met by HTTP 1.X must also be met (with the same
> security and performance properties) by 2.0?
> ...

That's a good question.

I expect that many people will agree that some things are not essential, 
but that it might be hard to agree on exactly which parts...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 26 March 2012 09:21:11 UTC