Re: Confusion in preconditions

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 1:39 AM, Amos Jeffries <> wrote:
> On 01.02.2012 19:11, Zhong Yu wrote:

> I am pushing to have the conditionals interpreted as a AND condition between
> all present conditionals.
>  if anything needs a special status response -> do that
>  if any of the conditions is invalid => 412 status
>  if ( (If-Match x) AND (If-None-Match y or z) AND (if-modified-since T) AND
> ... ) => 2xx status
>  otherwise 304 status

I don't quite understand. According to the current draft -

1) If there's a single If-Match condition and it tests false, we
should return 412.
2) If there's a single If-None-Match condition and it tests false (and
the method is GET/HEAD), we should return 304.

Your pseudo code doesn't seem to behave this way.

Zhong yu

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:39:01 UTC