Re: [p1-messaging] 2.7.1. http URI scheme - [ "?" query ]

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 07:43:10PM +0100, Julian Reschke wrote:
> On 2012-01-19 19:32, Ray Polk wrote:
> >The spec doesn't seem to speak suggested/valid combinations of verbs and
> >query parameters (please point me to the location if I've missed it).
> No, it does not.
> >I've seen efforts to constrain the use of query parameters to just GETs.
> >  Others suggesting not to use query parameters for PUT/POST ("those
> >values should be a part of the entity" I've read).  Is this merely a
> >sort of grassroots best practice?
> >
> >Is such advice misguidance?
> >
> >If such guidance is good, is it appropriate for the spec to suggest it?
> I don't think it's good guidance.

Agreed, and I've already seen some apps making use of POST requests on
URLs containing a question mark without any issue. Most often it's just
a matter of what framework is used on the app side to distinguish
between args from the query string and args from the body.


Received on Thursday, 19 January 2012 19:29:22 UTC