Re: Ascii-based SPDY "compression" idea

On Sun, Apr 01, 2012 at 05:58:00PM -0400, Peter Lepeska wrote:
> Hi Willy,
> Thanks for sending this. A lot of good stuff in here -- removal of
> redundant headers, binary names and lengths is great.
> I'll post comments after a closer reading.

Thank you. We're currently discussing the frame format which we still
don't like much (it was more to propose something possible than to
propose something optimal), so don't waste your time trying to analyze
it :-)

You might also be interested by Roy's presentation of Waka too, which
came to the same conclusions us but many years before :-) He also went
slightly further by separating representation headers from transport
headers :

I hope he finds the time to write a draft, because it looks really


Received on Monday, 2 April 2012 05:31:41 UTC