Re: issue 325: When are Location's semantics triggered?, was: Protocols/APIs and redirects

On Wed, 14 Dec 2011, Cameron Heavon-Jones wrote:

> I'm more that willing to accept if there is some fallibility in the tests 
> and its great that there is validation. I'm seriously unsure where such 
> error may be since i've been tracing http request\responses through 
> in-browser network tools. i'm going to repeat capturing whats on the wire 
> instead and if i still can't find the same results i'll setup a public test 
> case which everyone can use.

Pick your browser of choice and click on this link for a GET test:

And you can POST to the same URL by using this form:

(It returns a 302 redirect with 282 bytes of contetns. It redirects to



Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 22:18:09 UTC