Re: Expect header 'understand' vs 'meet'

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:24 PM, Julian Reschke wrote:

>> Can't I have a mechanism that allows the client to ask specifically the origin server to only work on my request if it exhibits a certain behavior? And isn't that (also) the idea behind 'Expect'?
> I think lots of people do not want "must understand" extensibility.

Consequently, the only way then to ensure[1] the client that some resource exhibits behavior X is to provide an appropriate 'link', yes?

So, instead of

POST /foo
Expect: exhibits-feature-x

one must do sth like

>> GET /start

<< 200 Ok
<< Link: </foo>; rel=exhibits-feature-x

POST /foo


All fine, just try to understand.


[1] Ignoring the time gap between the client learning and the client doing the request

> See also the various proposals for the "Prefer" header, which defaults the other way...


Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 20:35:43 UTC