Re: #160: Redirects and non-GET methods

On 2011-07-17 13:16, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> <>
> ...

I think to make things clearer, we need more introductory text, instead 
if repeating ourselves all over again in the individual status descriptions.

Here's an attempt to describe the different types of redirects:

    There are several types of redirects:

    o  Redirects due to a new URI being assigned to the resource, either
       temporarily or permanently -- the original request will need to be
       repeated against the URI specified in the Location header field.

       In this specification, the status codes 301 (Moved Permanently),
       302 (Found), and 307 (Temporary Redirect) fall under this

    o  Redirects to a new location that represents an indirect response
       to the request, such as the result of a POST operation to be
       retrieved with a subsequent GET request.  This is status code 303
       (See Other).

    o  Redirects offering a choice of matching resources for use by
       agent-driven content negotiation (Section 5.2 of [Part3]).  This
       is status code 300 (Multiple Choices).

    o  Other kinds of redirects, such as to a cached result (status code
       304 (Not Modified)).

Feedback appreciated, Julian

Received on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 19:41:54 UTC