Re: status code for header fields to big

On 06/30/2011 04:33 PM, Dzonatas Sol wrote:
> On 06/30/2011 10:17 AM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>> On Jun 30, 2011, at 5:46 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
>>> So 413 doesn't seem to be used in general for this case.
>>> Should it? In that case we should clarify the spec...
>> We should define new 4xx codes for header block too long and
>> header field too long.
>> ....Roy
> How many consider the length of the query string already given as the 
> initial max length of the header lines; this could be an optimization 
> to prefetch memory regions; the given length is the first read only 
> well-known cookie from the client. Quadcores may just want the scalar 
> value; four lines; 1k each, ascii. That's a lot of headers!

That also aligns with how VMs currently "balloon" for/in space on 
process startup. Code pages and lines, I just haven't mentioned how this 
affects time scales; more-or-less compute units for each udp; quaternion 
compatible matrix in-line, with separate domain for each core. There is 
no well-known explicit time-scale to tera-scale standard except standard 
deviation and moore's law. This doesn't mean much for those thinking 
only in user-mode, leftovers; seconds? Quad-seconds. "Proving 
quantum/seconds," possible. Current probability of gaseous networks? 
Well, we see them "in space"; we need another word to describe them 
other than scarce; sparkles? Sparse. At VM level, sparse balloons? No. 
They just want the html-body kept in user-mode and use sockets for the 
headers in kernal-mode, default page size (by lines). Subsystems are 
parallel systems in hypertext-mode; where do the balloons after you let 
go after startup, to space? Virtual "banks" upon deposit; "any interest 
in this balloon?"

The difference is known; size matters.

--- ---
Web Development, Software Engineering
Ag-Biotech, Virtual Reality, Consultant

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2011 00:05:50 UTC