- From: Henrik Nordström <henrik@henriknordstrom.net>
- Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 10:37:02 +0200
- To: Nicolas Alvarez <nicolas.alvarez@gmail.com>
- Cc: ietf-http-wg@w3.org
ons 2009-11-11 klockan 16:31 -0300 skrev Nicolas Alvarez: > Quote RFC3229 section 5.5: Would be interesting to know what scenario this refers to: Warning to origin server implementors: it does not suffice to send Vary: If-None-Match, A-IM in status-226 responses. We have discovered at least one scenario where this does not prevent a proxy cache that does not implement IM and A-IM from incorrectly "validating" a cached 226 response. A guess is that this is related to their idea that using Expires is not a good method for telling HTTP/1.0 caches that this response is incompatible with HTTP/1.0 cache rules even when HTTP/1.1 clearly states that using Expires is the preferred method for indicating this to any HTTP/1.0 implementations along the response path. Any RFC3229 Delta Encoding in HTTP authors around on this list that care to comment? Regards Henrik
Received on Friday, 14 May 2010 08:37:59 UTC