Request for Comments: XMLHttpRequest Last Call Working Draft; deadline 15 December 2009

Mark, All,

As Thomas notes below, the WebApps WG seeks comment on the LCWD of  
the XHR spec:

If you have any comments, please send them to ;  
comment deadline is 15 December 2009.

-Art Barstow

Begin forwarded message:

> From: ext Thomas Roessler <>
> Date: November 25, 2009 12:46:15 PM EST
> Subject: Re: HTTPbis and the Same Origin Policy
> Archived-At: < 
> Much of this material is in fact part of the HTML5 and  
> XMLHttpRequest specifications.
> The XMLHttpRequest specification is in Last Call as of 19 November  
> (with 16 December deadline), and it includes a specification of the  
> same origin policy for XMLhttpRequest -- see step 13 of the open()  
> method [1].
> I'll note that that specification lacks any security considerations  
> at this point, and that calling out the same origin policy more  
> prominently (and talking about DNS rebinding) sound like they would  
> be fine and timely additions to that spec.
> Additionally, I suspect that in-depth review from the HTTP Working  
> Group would be an extremely valuable for this spec.

Received on Wednesday, 25 November 2009 18:25:51 UTC