Re: Input on request for link relation

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Sam Johnston wrote:
> Jan et al,
> In line with comments I've made in other threads I think it makes
> sense for us to limit link relation discussions to the generic
> relation itself rather than any specific implementation of it. I
> imagine the pubsubhubbub
> <> Google Group (blind
> copied as it requires subscription to post) is the appropriate forum
> for your [no doubt legitimate] concerns regarding the protocol.
> In terms of the relation, I think the description could be improved
> by dropping references to entries, Atom and RSS. It is conceivable
> for example that someone would want to be notified of an update to
> an HTML page (I'm thinking about this currently for status updates
> to HTML renderings of virtual machine resources) or indeed some
> other arbitrary resource. If we [continue to] allow relations to be
> bound to protocols in spite of the availability of content types
> and/or URI relations which are fit for the purpose we're going to
> back ourselves into a corner before we know it.
> Accordingly I propose the following description:
> /Description: A URI for a "hub" that allows clients to register for
> real-time updates to the resource./
> The PuSH(?) group may want to consider using a URI relation and/or
> dedicated content type in addition to the generic "hub" relation.
We (Dojo toolkit) have been using REST Channels [1] for clients to
receive real-time notifications of resource updates. Could/should we
use the "hub" relation for resources to reference the URI that
Dojo/clients connect to for updates? And if so it seems like "updates"
or "notifications" would be a more generic, fitting term than "hub"
(but "hub" isn't bad).


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Kris Zyp
(503) 806-1841
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
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Received on Friday, 11 September 2009 13:05:01 UTC