Re: #173: CR and LF in chunk extension values

tis 2009-08-11 klockan 05:31 +1000 skrev Mark Nottingham:
> This was discussed in Stockholm, and there was agreement in the room  
> that the proper way to address this is to disallow CR and LF in *any*  
> quoted-string.
> Comments?

Escaped newlines or \0 characters in the form of quoted-pair very likely
to cause many parsers to fail no matter where these are seen. I know I
have always understood this as a mechanism intended for quoting special
characters like " ( and ),  and not including CTLs.

Regarding chunked encoding allowing any newlines there is a very very
bad idea. Folding is not supported there, and no one expects to see
newlines in the middle of a chunk header quoted or not.

I would propose changing quoted-pair to restrict the allowable set to
non-CTLs to match most expectations on what values may be seen, not only
excluding CR or LF.

    quoted-pair  = "\" <any CHAR except CTLs>

instead of

    quoted-pair  = "\" CHAR


Received on Monday, 10 August 2009 22:51:25 UTC