URI/IRI revisions (was Re: Minutes from informal IETF/W3C meeting about HTML5 work)

Mark Nottingham wrote:

> Various folks from the IETF and W3C's HTML5 WG got together in San  
> Francisco last week to discuss the parts of that work.
> Rough minutes are at:
>   http://esw.w3.org/topic/IETF_HTML5_Meeting_March_2009

 From the minutes:

> HTML5's URI section (DanConnolly <http://esw.w3.org/topic/DanConnolly> 
> and Larry Masinter to work on this; e.g. HTML WG action 68 
> <http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/68>)
>     * We discussed IDN and URI/IRI (international domain names vs.
>       HTML5/W3C use of IRI). Changes to IRI would impact specs like
>       Atom. Larry advocated revising this spec, others were less
>       enthusiastic. It would be a big undertaking, and it wasn't clear
>       that Martin Dürst was available.
I talked to Martin using Skype today and he said he was available. He 
also mentioned that he would like to have a co-editor and mentioned 
Larry and few other names.

>     * Rob Sayre suggested the name "Hypertext References". This was
>       met with wide approval.
>    *
>       Action Item <http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/118>: Dan
>       to reformat the document as an Internet Draft
Looking forward to reading this.

Received on Friday, 17 April 2009 16:11:23 UTC