Re: URI handling for Location

On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 14:13:06 +0200, Julian Reschke <>  
> If the spec doesn't matter, why are you even interested in changing it?

I want it to matter.

> None right now.

This would  be quite useful.

>>> So, again, this would be an incompatible change.
>>  To make HTTP compatible with deployed Web content and actually a  
>> useful spec to implement against.
> Again, we can't step out of our charter.
> What's needed is *proof* that most implementations (not only browsers!)  
> already do this today because they were forced by broken content to  
> support it.

I already told you curl and wget do this and the author of curl just said  
on the list he does this because of broken content.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 12:22:33 UTC