Re: Why Microsoft's authoritative=true won't work and is a bad idea

On 6 Jul 2008, at 09:42, Ian Hickson wrote:

> Enough people mislabel their feeds as
> text/plain that in practice documents labeled as text/plain are, in  
> some
> browsers, sniffed for feeds before being treated as plain text.

Interestingly, I did, partly as an experiment, stop sniffing text/ 
plain in the latest release of SimplePie (which, inevitably, isn't the  
nicest of things to do, seeming there are tens of thousands of users).  
Next to nothing broke. I know for a fact this couldn't have been done  
a year or two ago: things have certainly moved on in terms of the MIME  
types feeds are served with: all that is supported now is application/ 
xml, text/xml, application/rss+xml, application/atom+xml, application/ 
rdf+xml, and sniffed text/html (this is certainly still needed for  
compat. though). If anyone has the guts, it really would be nice to  
see some of the larger UAs pulling support for feeds served as text/ 

Geoffrey Sneddon

Received on Sunday, 6 July 2008 11:22:39 UTC