Re: PROPOSAL: i74: Encoding for non-ASCII headers

lör 2008-03-29 klockan 13:04 +0100 skrev Julian Reschke:
> Also, this issue affects another issue I'd like to really make progress 
> on (the BNF->ABNF switch). Is there a chance that we can decide on which 
> headers currently *do* allow RFC2047 notation?

Difficult. No known implementations, and specifications ambigious on
when 2047 should be used, such as Warning saying 2047 should be used but
defining a syntax where 2047 says itself that it MUST NOT be used...

> Two more thoughts:
> 1) Do we have *any* evidence of HTTP servers actually using RFC2047 
> encoding, or clients being able to decipher it?

I am not aware of any, but then I mostly operate in a context where
ISO-8859-1 makes sense...

But at least IE6 has optional support for sending URLs using raw UTF-8,
and it do send raw UTF-8 in the Host header in such setups..


Received on Monday, 31 March 2008 17:52:26 UTC