Re: new issue: mismatch between RFC2616 and RFC4234 CHAR definition

Ingo Struck wrote:
> the quoted-pair-construct should be able to
> quote any character, including NUL.

FWIW, in mail (RFC 2822) it used to be NO-WS-CTL,
WSP (HTAB or SP), and VCHAR, excluding NUL, CR,
and LF from ordinary <quoted-pair>s.  

The "missing" cases were collected in <obs-qp>
(MUST accept, MUST NOT generate).  In the last
2822upd draft NO-WS-CTL was also moved to "obs".

While RFC 2822 isn't directly relevant for HTTP
Alexey's attempt to update Digest-MD5 for SASL
ran into serious difficulties wrt <quoted-pair>s
in <qstr-val> - in essence the same construct as
in RFC 2617 and 2616, a <quoted-string> without
its quotes:

HTTP has to be clear what it is for Auth Digest.


Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 15:05:41 UTC