Re: 100-continue implementation status question

Julian Reschke wrote:
> Paul Leach wrote:
>> Can people help with the following question:
>> How widely implemented is 100-continue? And how correctly?
>> ...
> In Java servlet world: the servers do implement it partly.
> That is, they understand Expect: 100-continue, and reply with 100 
> Continue when asked for it.
> However, the containers do not let the servlets have a say (inspecting 
> the request, and potentially saying "417 Expectation Failed"). This is a 
> restriction that has been known for a long time, and I certainly hope 
> the Java Servlet EG will address that at some point of time (I haven't 
> checked recently, so maybe they already did and I missed it).

Speaking of which... does anybody know whether the Servlet EG is 
following this mailing list?

BR, Julian

Received on Sunday, 1 June 2008 12:50:50 UTC