Re: I-D Action:draft-nottingham-http-stale-if-error-01.txt

Am 10.05.2008 um 01:11 schrieb Mark Nottingham:

> Yeah. Anybody else want to weigh in pro or con on this?

Well, apart from the obvious:

stale-if-error: consistent naming with other cache control directives
sie: saving 11 octets

it comes down to the usual fight between good taste and efficiency,  
or? Java and C naming schemes, UNIX and Windows, BMW and Mercedes  
Benz, Mars and Venus. Some would say "stale-if-error" is more girlie  
and "sie" is a manly name.

On the other hand, legend has it, that D. Ritchie, when asked what he  
would do different in UNIX, said: "Well, I would name it create()  
next time."

Hell, if I know. Throw a dice.


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Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 09:24:06 UTC