Re: [google-gears-eng] Re: Deploying new expectation-extensions

lör 2008-04-05 klockan 10:37 -0400 skrev Charles Fry:

> If you are correct, then that implies (as I understand it) that Expect
> is the wrong mechanism for 100 continues, as the only requirement is
> an end-to-end request and interim response, with no hop-by-hop
> requirements. I am just trying to fully understand why an Expect would
> be necessary for some 1xx responses and not others.

It's correct as there is situations where it's known 100 Continue won't
come (next-hop HTTP/1.0).

For what it's worth it could have been spelled "Expect: HTTP/1.1". with
the same effect.


Received on Saturday, 5 April 2008 23:23:30 UTC