Re: PROPOSAL: i74: Encoding for non-ASCII headers

Mark Nottingham wrote:
> Julian -- sorry, I mean to say that we need to consider excluding C1.
> Jamie -- if we later decided to allow UTF-8, we'd of course have to  
> figure out how it fit into the overall picture. This sub-issue is just  
> about whether we should allow C1 in iso-8859-1, as the spec is  
> currently written.

I see your point, but I think the reality at the moment is it's just
permission to transport high valued octets, with %x20-7F being ASCII.
I don't think anyone seriously treats the high values as iso-8859-1
(except by accident).

I'm thinking the current spec, plus current practice (assumed, not
thoroughly investigated), has a nice loophole to move it to UTF-8
without breaking anything.

The key thing is "without breaking anything".  Even if there are a few
implementations which treat the upper octets as iso-8859-1, they will
continue working if we start sending UTF-8.

-- Jamie

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2008 22:02:16 UTC