Re: PROPOSAL: i74: Encoding for non-ASCII headers

tis 2008-04-01 klockan 16:05 +0900 skrev Martin Duerst:
> At 08:36 08/03/30, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> >The only iso-8859-1 use that is interop dependent is in authentication I
> >think. But there MAY Be some interop charset dependencies in cookies as
> >well..
> My personal guess would be that cookies as implemented are essentially
> bytes-in-bytes-out, i.e. what's sent from the server is sent back
> again by the client.

Yes, which is why I said there is likely to be interop issues when the
cookies is accessed by both sides, not when it's simply echoed.

i.e. javascript/flash/whatever accessing/setting/modifying cookies also
used by the server.

But to be honest I kind of suspect such interop issues is already there.
The HTML side (and javascript running in that context) has already had
it's share of I18N support using various encodings natively without
strange encoding/recoding rules, and there most likely is some
implementations not constraining what javascript requests from http to
what http technically allows..


Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2008 08:21:30 UTC