Re: Meaning of header fields Date: and Age:

Hi Alex,

On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> The age calculation algorithm in RFC 2616 is indeed buggy, but in a
> different, more subtle, way:
> IIRC, nobody commented on that age calculation bug and its proposed
> fix. It is not mentioned in the RFC 2616 errata. I suspect it will
> remain with us forever.

I recall that this bug (and ways to fix it) did get discussed back in the
late 1990s when the spec was being written.  Opinions ranged from `it is a
bug' to `this is a safe way for the calculation to err on the side of
caution'.  I recall that the original author of the calculation (Jeff
Mogul) did intend it this way.  Consensus back then was that the
bug/feature should be kept in.

> Alex.


Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2004 17:28:37 UTC