RE: 502 Proxy Error problem

Assume you don't do pipelining the requests?

Next take a look at the logs (especially Proxy log and packet filter log,
maybe the firewall log), these might indicate the rule that fails (you get a
very very rough idea of what might go wrong or left completely in the dark).
Maybe there is a BLOCKED request/packet.
Please try to log as much information as possible (except payloads).

What else to do, I don't know....

- Joris

>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of Voronkov Konstantin
>Sent: Monday, 24 March 2003 16:33
>Subject: 502 Proxy Error problem
>Hello All!
>I have a problem when connecting through MS ISA proxy server.
>I'm posting data:
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream
>Connection: close
>Proxy-Connection: close
>Pragma: no-cache
>Cache-Control: no-cache
>Cache-Control: no-transform
>Content-Length: 106
>But sometimes (approximately 1/2 of requests) server returns
>502 Proxy Error.
>First request passes successfully always. But next request may not pass
> and server returns error
>What is wrong with my request?
>Voronkov Konstantin
>ICQ 40202717

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 06:24:15 UTC