RE: HTTP 1.1, proxy servers, and failed connections

Microsoft ISA Server

Connection refuseded (cannot connect to port):
HTTP/1.1 502 Proxy Error (  Connection refused )

No host found (DNS lookup failed):
HTTP/1.1 502 Proxy Error ( Host was not found. For more
	information about this event, see ISA Server Help. )

>-----Original Message-----
>Behalf Of Bob Scheifler - SMI Software Development
>Sent: Monday, 20 May 2002 23:04
>Subject: Re: HTTP 1.1, proxy servers, and failed connections
>> Could you at least describe the differing behavior you are seeing
>> between implementations?
>Proxy-agent: Netscape-Proxy/3.52
>returns 500 for ECONNREFUSED
>returns 500 for unknown (no DNS entry) host
>Server: Squid/2.2.STABLE5
>returns 503 for ECONNREFUSED
>returns 500 for unknown (no DNS entry) host
>I suspect y'all have access to a broader set of proxy servers 
>than I do.
>> And while HTTP is not TCP specific, I can't see any reason why some
>> header could not be invented to convey TCP specific failure 
>"connection refused" and "unknown host" are not TCP-specific 
>- Bob

Received on Tuesday, 21 May 2002 03:10:01 UTC