RE: Use Proxy 305 (corrected)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John C. Mallery []
> Sent: vrijdag 25 augustus 2000 21:22
> To:
> Subject: Use Proxy 305 (corrected)
> RFC 2616 does not state whether a status code of 305 should include
> an entity or not.

You missed a part. 305 (Use Proxy) MUST include a location header pointing
to the proxy to be used using a URI.

> I am assuming that it SHOULD include an entity just like the other
> 3xx status codes except 304.

304 MUST include the date header.
Or, if clock-less, it MUST include:
	ETag and/or Content-Location
	Expires, Cache-Control, and/or Vary

> Is this a correct assumption?

You'd better read RFC2616 once again, and you see that you make the
incorrect assumptions.

An other possibility is that you mixed the body and entity. Entity
represents the headers and the body the actual data (e.g. HTML document).

The body is not needed, but may be included. Here is no information about.
MS-IIS send a body with a e.g. 301 response. Other servers may not do

- Joris

Received on Monday, 28 August 2000 05:19:47 UTC