Re: Use Proxy 305 (corrected)

>RFC 2616 does not state whether a status code of 305 should include
>an entity or not.
>I am assuming that it SHOULD include an entity just like the other
>3xx status codes except 304.
>Is this a correct assumption?

The spec is silent on the issue of sending entity bodies with a 305.
I don't recall whether it is silent on purpose -- probably not.
Whether your assumption above is correct depends a bit on whether you
are writing client or server software.

1) if you are writing a client that gets 305 responses, you cannot
assume anything about an entity body being present, so you must be
prepared to handle either case.

2) if you are writing a server that sends 305 responses, the most
sensible thing to do, in my opinion, is to include a short HTML entity
body with human-readable instructions about using a proxy.


Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2000 22:59:17 UTC