Re: draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-04 comments

Urrk....  Wish you'd reacted a few hours before; I shipped Rev05 last
night at around 11:00 PM (and your mail is dated an hour or so later).
I didn't notice any problems at the rewording though; I looked at each
one in context; I'll take another look.

Probably not too hard to fix, though, since I've had more luck getting
Word to do the "right thing" though.  I'll see if I can do a fix
tomorrow (I'm too tired today to do so)>

				- Jim

Jim Gettys
Digital Industry Standards and Consortia
Compaq Computer Corporation
Visting Scientist, World Wide Web Consortium, M.I.T.,

Received on Thursday, 10 September 1998 10:36:44 UTC