RE: comments on draft-ietf-http-authentication-01.txt

> Larry -- do we edit and resubmit for another Last Call? Or can we fix and
> submit for RFC?
> Paul

I'll answer for Larry here, though he's the ultimate boss on process

Edits recieved during a last call should be folded back in (if significant)
and a new draft issued.  I don't believe another working group last call
need be issued unless there are substantive changes.

If there are any errors introduced (or further arguments), they can
be handled during IETF last call.

Note that interoperability reports might affect a draft; for draft standard,
the requirement is 2 interoperable implementations for each feature of
the protocol.

For the base HTTP spec, my current thoughts are to go over the
interoperability reports with Henrik sometime in a week or two (by mail,
as Henrik is a world traveller for most of the next month), and see
if there are going to be any features we have to either get implemented,
or drop from the HTTP spec.  I think we're in pretty good shape, but
won't be fully confident until more are in and we've checked off each
feature.  Once I see if anything needs to be dropped, I'll issue a base
HTTP spec with whatever editorial work needs to be done from comments.
				- Jim

Received on Friday, 27 March 1998 11:09:40 UTC