Re: Feedback on: draft-cohen-http305306-02.txt

David W. Morris wrote:
Dave, thanks for the comments, Ive added your minor editing changes
as well as the following specific things you raised.

>  1.3 506 Redirection Failed
>    The 506 response is returned when a redirection fails or is refused
>    by a proxy or client.  If the redirection response included a body,
>    then it SHOULD be included in the 506 response.
> **DWM:  This and the earlier discussion of 506 is confusing at best.
> **DWM:  Who exactly is the client returning 506 to? In normal HTTP
> **DWM:  lingo the client receives responses, it doesn't send them.
Ive added the following text:

This response is returned by a proxy, to a downstream proxy or
client, when it cannot or chooses not to honor a redirection.

> **DWM:  I can't make sense out of either the syntax description or
> **DWM:  the words below for what you mean to provide syntactically
> **DWM:  or semantically for URIpattern. So other than to say that
> **DWM:  I don't understand, I can't offer a suggestion.
Ive added these examples:

An example header:
    Set-proxy: SET ; proxyURI = "", 
	scope="http://", seconds=5

 Scope Meaning: all URLS beginning with "http://"

Another example header:
    Set-proxy: SET ; proxyURI = "", 
	scope="http://*", seconds=5

 Scope Meaning: all URLS beginning which are for 
  hosts in the domain.

Josh Cohen <>		      Netscape Communications Corp.
                                "You can land on the sun, but only at night"

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 1997 18:42:58 UTC