[Fwd: 301/302]

Josh Cohen <josh@netscape.com>		      Netscape Communications Corp.
                                "You can land on the sun, but only at night"

Forwarded message 1

  • From: Josh Cohen <josh@netscape.com>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 13:41:38 -0700
  • Subject: Re: 301/302
  • To: Koen Holtman <koen@win.tue.nl>
  • Message-ID: <33DE5582.38112620@netscape.com>
Koen Holtman wrote:
> >The current status hasn't changed in the past two years, so by any
> >reasonable definition those scripts (and the browser) have been broken
> >for a long, long time.
> CGI script maintenance is a pain, even if these scripts are provably
> broken in some sense.  I see no reason why 1.1 should inflict CGI
> maintenance costs which could be avoided by some spec maintenance.
> Koen.

Well, what about when foo.cgi is running on a 1.1 server, and
doesnt give a content-length.
Is the 1.1 server responsible to detect and chunk that ?

Josh Cohen <josh@netscape.com>		      Netscape Communications Corp.
                                "You can land on the sun, but only at night"

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 1997 13:45:50 UTC