Re: Comment-URL question

Ted Hardie wrote:
> Reading through the current thread of mail messages
> on including a comment URL as an attribute to a cookie,
> I find I cannot determine whether there is any
> limitation on the location of the comment URL.  In
> other words, does the comment URL need to be on the
> same server as the resource producing the cooking
> about which it comments?
> If not, does the server on which it resides need to
> domain-match the server from which the cookie is
> produced?
> I raise these issues because there are a number of
> error conditions which can arise when the comment
> URL does not reside on the same server which do not
> otherwise come into play, and I am concerned with
> the complexity that handling those error conditions
> raises.

The new (proposed) draft imposes no restrictions on where CommentURL may
reside.  So I guess you'd better reaise your concerns about error

Dave Kristol

Received on Monday, 28 July 1997 11:46:22 UTC