Re: HTTP/1.1 & Proxies

>This is probably 'closing the stable door after the horse has bolted' (HTTP
>1.1 now being a published spec), but it occurs to me that an trail of
>proxies between client and origin server, similar to RECEIVED headers in
>RFC822 mail messages, might allow the client to determine the reliability
>of the HTTP 1.1 path.  I posit that each entry in the trail would contain
>host name, HTTP version number and server implementation and version
>identification (e.g. "WWW.ACME.COM, HTTP/1.1 (MoonSoft HTTPD V3.28)")

Please see the "Via" header field in RFC 2068.  It is required for
HTTP/1.1 proxies (there is nothing we can do for existing proxies).


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 1997 13:11:14 UTC