RE: ID: Proxy autoconfig

	   2)  Using DNS will not work for mobile clients.  For example,
consider a
	   laptop named SKWAN01.INTRA.MICROSOFT.COM.  While plugged into
	   Microsoft corporate net, it queries for and receives the TXT

	   I unplug my laptop and take it on a visit to Netscape.  When
I plug into
	   the Netscape corporate network, I query for the TXT RR per
above and the
	   query fails.  At this point, I have no way of finding the
proxy servers
	   for that network, and automatic configuration fails.

	I don't really follow this logic.

	When you visit Netscape, I assume you'll get a different IP
	I also assume that means you'll have a different hostname--maybe

Pardon that.  I was assuming dynamic DNS.  Future Microsoft clients (and
DNS servers) will be dynamic-DNS enabled.  When they receive a new IP
address, they will register that address under their name.

However, you make a good point.  When I plug my laptop in at Netscape, I
need a new IP addr.  Either 1) they are running DHCP and this discussion
is moot, the client can receive the URL via DHCP, or 2) I have dig into
my laptop and enter a new IP address by hand - in which case a) the
client could do a reverse lookup to determine it's name, or b) I could
hand configure the new name, or c) I could hand enter the proxy
information.  After all, some sysadmin is going to have to give me an IP
(and DNS IPs, and gateways, etc etc), I might as well be given the proxy
server info too.

I am also not opposed to storing this information in two places.  I am
only concerned that we solve the automatic configuration problem.

- Stuart Kwan
Microsoft Corp.

Received on Friday, 28 March 1997 15:16:28 UTC