Re: determining proxy reliability

Patrick McManus writes:
    I'm starting to see this in a new light, your argument about
    protocol trust is a good one. In summary non reliable worries me more
    than non compliant, read on. What I'm still hesitant on is what I
    feel will be a very strong content-provider hesitation to this
    proposal because it's accuracy is so unbounded.

It's not clear that the accuracy is really that unbounded.  Assuming
that non-compliance is an orthogonal issue, the three things that
could lead to inaccuracies are
	(1) perturbations of access patterns, due (as Koen has
	argued) to the potential for more cache-busting outside
	the metering subtree
	(2) failure (or reboot) of a proxy before a report is
	(3) loss of a report message before it reaches the origin
	server (i.e., through network failure)
If there are other sources of inaccuracy that I've missed, please
let me know.

Item #1 is, for now, unknowable.  Perturbation could just as easily
improve the situation, since, as you observe, if hit-metering increases
caching, then more users might be accommodated.

Item #2 is addressed in the latest draft, by adding an optional
timeout to the Meter response-directive (i.e., to the server's
request that the response be hit-metered).  This can't eliminate
the problem of proxy crashes or reboot, but it can bound the
likelihood of report-lost-due-to-proxy-failure.  E.g., if the
timeout is set to 10 minutes, and the mean time between reboots
for the "average" proxy is (say) 60 minutes, then there is a 1/6
chance of report loss.  Since I suspect that MTBF for proxies is
probably on the order of days, not hours, the actual loss
probability is likely to be lower.

This leaves #3, loss-in-transit.  My experience is that the most
common way for servers to lose HTTP requests is due to internal
congestion (i.e., the SYN_RCVD problem), so if hit-metering
improves caching, the reduction in congestion ought to help this.
But loss due to network partition is also a problem, and (according
to Vern Paxson's SIGCOMM '96 paper) it's getting worse.  This
has inspired me to change the text in the next version of the
draft from "The proxy is not required to retry the [report]
if it fails" to "The proxy is not required to retry the [report]
if it fails (but it should do so, subject to resource constraints)."
This is still "best-efforts", but the specification now encourages
more effort.

The next draft will also say:
   Note that if there is doubt about the validity of the results of
   hit-metering a given set of resources, the server can employ
   cache-busting techniques for short periods, to establish a baseline
   for validating the hit-metering results.
(with a citation to James Pitkow's WWW6 paper for more discussion
of such sampling techniques).  Given that this gives each origin
server a way to answer the question "is hit-metering making my
counts inaccurate?", it seems to avoid the question of whether
hit-metering is accurate in general.  (Clearly, a server that
discovered this way that hit-metering is giving bad results would
simply stop using hit-metering, at least for a while.)

    I made a proposal months ago about being able to (at the origin
    servers option) force the return of 0/0 counts.. at least this would
    allow the construction of deterministic audit trails and therefore some
    notion of reliability.. it doesn't account for outright fraud by the
    proxy of course (they could misreport the numbers) but it does close
    the case of any open ended transactions.. I'm not sure that it is
    enough, but I do think it helps considerably in establishing 'good
    faith and a reliable history' which is something to go on..
I tried putting support for 0/0 counts in a version of the
proposal, but I took it out in favor of the timeout mechanism.
James Pitkow's paper points out that the lack of a time-bound
on the reports was a serious flaw of the original proposal.

I think if the origin server can say "send a report within
X minutes, if you have anything to report" then this effectively
does the same thing as a request for 0/0 reports, but without
the additional message overhead.  (Remember, lots of studies have
shown that most cache entries are never used more than once.)
A 0/0 report also doesn't solve the "proxy rebooted before sending
a report" problem, but the timeout "solves" it (probabilistically).

    -Pat, not feeling bad about bringing this back up when it's still in
    ID and considering we can do 50 messages a day on cookies that are
    nearing last call..

Your comments have been quite valuable.


Received on Wednesday, 19 March 1997 17:23:23 UTC