- From: Steve Madere <madere@dejanews.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 11:32:35 -0600 (CST)
- To: http-wg@cuckoo.hpl.hp.com
I think it is important to remember that what DoubleClick, FocalLink, and GlobalTrack use cookies for is to deliver controllable advertising. Advertising is what will pay for most of the useful services on the web. I think most people recognize this now. It is important to advertisers to be able to know the number of unique individuals who see their message and to be able to control it. (eg: show this ad three times to each person) One does not have to know who the user is to accomplish this. All one needs to know is that they are the same person that was already shown this ad three times so we should show another one now. There is no need to violate anybody's privacy to achieve this goal. This is in fact exactly what is achieved with a serial-number cookie. Now, if you take away the auto-cookie capability, sites will be forced to require users to register and "login" to get this kind of control. The "login" model is a serious step back in privacy. Suddenly, we not only know it is the same person that was here earlier, we know it is a particular person with a particular email address etc. The cookie method is more likely to remain anonymous since it is actually easier to administer anonymously than with a known identity for each user. The "login" method on the other hand is easier to administer if you require the users to identify themselves. Given that "more information is always better" to an advertiser, most sites using the "login" method will fall to the temptation of requiring all kinds of personal information from their users to grant access. (eg: income, address, etc.) The inherint convenience in the "anonymous cookie" method has driven the market so far toward a much more anonyous method of controlling advertising delivery. If you take that away, get ready to register at every useful site and give up all semblence of privacy. Do you actually think all of these sites will continue to provide these extremely valuable and *expensive to operate* services if they can't provide highly controllable and measurable advertising? If you respond that sites will simply "revert to a pay-per-view subscription model" you are really missing the point. The pay-per-view folks always get a ton of personal information on you and then *sell it directly to other people*. Have you ever noticed that every time you order something from a catalog, new catalogs from 5 other companies suddenly arrive at your door two weeks later? Switching to a user registration model always cedes more privacy than "anonymous tagging". more comments in the text below... On Fri, 14 Mar 1997, M Hedlund wrote: > On Fri, 14 Mar 1997, Yaron Goland wrote: > > > Rather my point is that I do not believe that you have helped protect > > user privacy [...] > > Okay, well we disagree on this. Besides, if you are right and there is no > privacy protection, then why make any changes? Doubleclick can simply use > something other than cookies! If we afford no privacy protection in this > draft, then we do no harm to Doubleclick (and any other similar > businesses). > > > [...] but I do believe that you have hurt a lot of smaller web > > sites who are trying to make a living on the web and thus contributed to > > the reduction of diversity on the web. I believe that the outcome is > > undesirable. > > I suspect that the number of businesses who have based their whole revenue > model on cookie sharing is extremely low, and that no such outcome will > occur. > Any site that lives off of advertising will soon depend heavily on cookies for their whole revenue model. In case you haven't noticed, this includes basically *all* of the most useful resources on the web. Now, it is true that a really large site can afford put in an ad management system of their own and you'll still have the "anonymous cookie" method in wide use (but *only* at large well-funded sites). Sites that cannot afford to create their own ad management systems would go out of business in the face of competion of larger sites with much better advertising control. Their only choice is to join a network of centralized advertising delivery because it is too expensive for them to sell their advertising directly themselves. Nuking centralized ad management is indeed nuking smaller advertising supported websites and only those sites. But take heart, they can always switch to the subscription model and then sell other people your address and annual income. Steve Madere > > M. hedlund <hedlund@best.com>
Received on Tuesday, 18 March 1997 10:04:10 UTC