Re: How to add new "protocols" ?

[meta note: depite the best efforts of many sinister forces, I am now finally
 back at UNC.  I should have got one of those 'get out of bureaucracy 
free' cards]

On Tue, 18 Feb 1997, Larry Masinter wrote:

> I think the short answer to "how to add new protocols to HTTP"
> is that "there isn't any way right now" and that if anyone
> has a serious proposal for how to do so and under what circumstances
> it would be a reasonable thing to do, they should write it up.

Techniques available:

	1) try  alternate protocol, and use it if it works. Cache result
	   of test. 

	2) Use DNS records to get info on which protocol to use.

	3) Use Upgrade: header

	4) Use invalid method to probe. 

There's another one which I can't remember off the top of my head.


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Received on Tuesday, 18 February 1997 16:54:40 UTC