Re: Semantics of Content-Range in the PUT method

Addressed to: Gordon Strachan <>
              HTTP Working Group <>

** Reply to note from Gordon Strachan <> Thu, 23 Jan 97 11:37:03 EST 
My take on it is that Content-Range has limited usefulness 
for the PUT method in the general case. If Jigsaw ignores 
the header, then it is violating 9.6, my server always 
returns a 501 if Content-Range is given in a PUT request. All 
of the potential problems you pointed out are just too 
I could see it's usefulness in a special purpose case, perhaps 
if you're just using HTTP as the protocol between special 
purpose clients and servers, not web browsers and servers. You 
might then update a single record in a database, etc. 
I went through the possibilities when designing the server 
and just discarded putting the two together because of the 
potential trouble they could cause. 

Paul Hethmon -- 
Inet.Mail Internet Mail Server 
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Received on Thursday, 23 January 1997 09:02:31 UTC