Re: 305/306 response codes

> Josh Cohen wrote:
> > dont you mean "Yo dude, I'M A WEASEL!!!" ? *duck*
> > actually isnt this what the 'forwarded' header is ?
> Yo, dude, that was ages ago. RFC 2068 talks about 'Via'. 'Forwarded' is
> being handled only by CGIs which are trying to cope with installed chaos.
> Now, where did I put the appropriate X-Face? Aha, here it goes... ;)
Oh silly me.. I meant Via, not Forward..

Josh Cohen				        Netscape Communications Corp.
Netscape Fire Department	     	       "Mighty Morphin' Proxy Ranger"
Server Engineering             

Received on Sunday, 8 June 1997 13:58:03 UTC