Re: cache-busting document

Drazen Kacar:

> >   Don't use content-negotiation until HTTP 1.1 is more widely
> >     deployed, since in HTTP/1.0 it interacts badly with proxy caches.
> What am I supposed to use until then?

Hm, what are you specifically asking about ?

> >   Don't use server modules or scripts to convert document's character
> >     set on the server side.  Leave it to the client.
> What if the client can't do it? The text will be unreadable. That's not
> acceptable.

It's the responsibility of the client to parse and display the document
to the end user. The server should not make any assumptions 
about the client's capabilities. The same priciple as with frames,
images etc. Especially that charsets are platform dependent.


Received on Sunday, 8 June 1997 13:47:00 UTC